
This democracy isn't democracy...

Why would they want to install "democracy" in the World?

The answer is simple: democracy is controllable.

First put fear in society.

Then give society acces to "surrogate-kisses", the lot of it. People in fear need hugs and kisses. In endless quantaties, buy, buy, buy. Buy away your feelings of fear, buy away feelings of guilt, buy away feelings of sorrow.
Instant "happiness" guaranteed.

Make fear rule the lives of the masses, so they become afraid to loose their surrogate-kisses.

Then put in a "warrior", who carefully spreads his words among the masses. Spread fear, spread hatred, spread mass-media with controlled messages and controll the masses. Real democracy is about freedom, real democracy is only with people being well informed, real democracy is trustworthy.

When you controll the masses you controll democracy, and vice versa. It looks very decent, it looks trustworthy, but it's only the looks of it.

It's only an image, a picture controlled by the bought media.

This democracy is simply "bought democracy".

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