
The greatest Country in the World...

The happy few, among all other human beings in the world:

The citizens of the United States of America.

But is there really profound reason to be happy?

When the American financial sytem was changed, in the beginning of the 20th century, with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Act, something else had changed too. Because from that moment on it made sense to a few people to start wars for their own little comforts. And when doing so they found themselves in a unique position. What we see are short term actions, but they serve a long term strategy.

They could start any war and just make all American citizens pay for it. No, not really, they're making all American citizens AND all other global citizens pay for it. While it is common knowledge that wars are pretty expensive it makes common sense to ask the question:

Where does this money so swiftly come from?

There is a Central Bank with a lot of money that the United States of America gets loans from. From behind that institution we find some PRIVATE BANKERS, who see some interesting amounts of money steadily coming towards them. Today, all large companies have learned the same lesson: if you want big money, in constant and guaranteed amounts coming towards you, you gotta have contracts with governments. Because they always pay, well, their taxpayers it is. And thus the weapon industry and the (re)building industry all get their "fair share" of the cake.

So, by lending more and more money for warfare at least ONE thing is guaranteed: the loan and the intrest will be payed, guaranteed.

But, with the amounts being loaned building up to a staggering big bubble, there has to come a moment where it just can not be done anymore. Where the bubble doesn't hold anymore. Where the bubble isn't about money anymore, but also about lies and intrigues. In the meantime some happy dudes have gained fortune beyond immagination, living in comfort, far away from the danger zone. Far away from the bubble. They know how to do that since ages. The bubble has to burst someday, or dare I say, explode?

For society it must lead to some kind of abiss. Some, however manage(d) to stay on their comfortable little islands. Some, just some very few happy "human beings" ?

How can you be happy, for yourself, for your children, when the world around you is so miserable, so cold, so full of nothingness? You don't really want that for your children?

Or do you, mister president?

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