
The greatest Country in the World...

The happy few, among all other human beings in the world:

The citizens of the United States of America.

But is there really profound reason to be happy?

When the American financial sytem was changed, in the beginning of the 20th century, with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Act, something else had changed too. Because from that moment on it made sense to a few people to start wars for their own little comforts. And when doing so they found themselves in a unique position. What we see are short term actions, but they serve a long term strategy.

They could start any war and just make all American citizens pay for it. No, not really, they're making all American citizens AND all other global citizens pay for it. While it is common knowledge that wars are pretty expensive it makes common sense to ask the question:

Where does this money so swiftly come from?

There is a Central Bank with a lot of money that the United States of America gets loans from. From behind that institution we find some PRIVATE BANKERS, who see some interesting amounts of money steadily coming towards them. Today, all large companies have learned the same lesson: if you want big money, in constant and guaranteed amounts coming towards you, you gotta have contracts with governments. Because they always pay, well, their taxpayers it is. And thus the weapon industry and the (re)building industry all get their "fair share" of the cake.

So, by lending more and more money for warfare at least ONE thing is guaranteed: the loan and the intrest will be payed, guaranteed.

But, with the amounts being loaned building up to a staggering big bubble, there has to come a moment where it just can not be done anymore. Where the bubble doesn't hold anymore. Where the bubble isn't about money anymore, but also about lies and intrigues. In the meantime some happy dudes have gained fortune beyond immagination, living in comfort, far away from the danger zone. Far away from the bubble. They know how to do that since ages. The bubble has to burst someday, or dare I say, explode?

For society it must lead to some kind of abiss. Some, however manage(d) to stay on their comfortable little islands. Some, just some very few happy "human beings" ?

How can you be happy, for yourself, for your children, when the world around you is so miserable, so cold, so full of nothingness? You don't really want that for your children?

Or do you, mister president?

The Dubya Trick?

I do not believe in God, nor the Devil. I believe though that it is totally acceptable that there maybe a higher "power", whatever that may be. Therefore I truly believe that if I were to believe in God or the Devil, that George W. Bush is the Devil, or at least his number 1 assistent.

How on Earth can someone pray to God, and at the same time "solve" "his" "problems" by destroying them. How is it possible to claim God just for America? Is it possible to count the amount of dead that Dubya and his friends are responsible for? Is there a word for the misery they have put the whole world in? Where is the love for God's creation? Where is the respect for God's creation?

In this "Two-faced-West" we see the image of civilication, the creation of an image, and what the modern world really is (about). It is the image of a smiling "suit and tie" and the profound horror of it's actions. All the pictures of statesmen, mimicking the widespread pictures of the selfproclaimed ceasaresque George W. Bush, are only one-layered, marketing induced image-makers. They do the walk, they do the talk, and the masses obey.

Why do they obey?

Sometime, long ago, someone had the idea of owning something that was his. Because he owned it, he became afraid to loose it. When your belongings are small, it is relatively easy to hold them, to protect them. But when your belongings become large(r), it becomes harder to protect it. "Protect your wealth" and be happy. So to be happy, we are adviced to see the enemy, before it's too late. Who is to be trusted, who is our enemy? We become afraid of one another, and instead of helping eachother to make a better world for us all, we sit still in our houses, we sit still on our cauches, ready to protect what we have. Afraid of what may come.

But, we also need "love", we also need kisses, we also need hugs. We start building a pattern of surrogate-love, giving ourselves surrogate-kisses by buying ourselves treats. Buy:happy, buy:happy, buy:happy. More treats, more, more, more. And so we became consumers. Consumers with even more to protect. "Get away from my surrogate kisses". Or even "Look, my surrogate-kiss is bigger than yours, yes, it even cost more". We need to protect our consumerist-way-of-live. "Don't you dare to take it away from me, it's mine, mine, mine".

We are what we consume. We are the mere image of our consumerism. We have chosen to become consumerists.

Why did we become consumerists?

Because we (thought we) had no choice. We simple became consumerists, because we didn't pay attention when it was growing on us. We took what they gave us, we became what they gave us. We became what they didn't give us. Loveless consumerists. Loveless-consumerist-owners. Afraid-loveless-consumerist-owners.

Wading in our image of wealth we were ready for the last step. Decadency. Thoughtless consumerism, added with endless supply of surrogate-kisses. "We need to protect it from those who want to steal it from us". Our own greed created our own enemies: we stick our images of fear on the ones we do not know, the ones who (seemingly) do not live like us (don't they eat, piss, breathe like us?), the ones we do not understand, the ones we are afraid of to understand. So, there we have our enemy: the ones who do things differently. The ones who live differently.

They are to blame. For what? You name it, we'll consume it.

Ceasar did it, Hitler did it. And guess who also learned the trick?

This democracy isn't democracy...

Why would they want to install "democracy" in the World?

The answer is simple: democracy is controllable.

First put fear in society.

Then give society acces to "surrogate-kisses", the lot of it. People in fear need hugs and kisses. In endless quantaties, buy, buy, buy. Buy away your feelings of fear, buy away feelings of guilt, buy away feelings of sorrow.
Instant "happiness" guaranteed.

Make fear rule the lives of the masses, so they become afraid to loose their surrogate-kisses.

Then put in a "warrior", who carefully spreads his words among the masses. Spread fear, spread hatred, spread mass-media with controlled messages and controll the masses. Real democracy is about freedom, real democracy is only with people being well informed, real democracy is trustworthy.

When you controll the masses you controll democracy, and vice versa. It looks very decent, it looks trustworthy, but it's only the looks of it.

It's only an image, a picture controlled by the bought media.

This democracy is simply "bought democracy".

War on Terror.

Did you know the so called War on Terror doesn't exist?

The "War on Terror" is a game of words. A ridiculous "game".

By using the word "War" we are conditioned to think in terms of war. This so called "War on Terror" is the way to put Fear into our heads. And everyone who questions it "must be an enemy". When you rule the mass-media you can get this message thoroughly in the tube-shaped-minds.

Did you already watch You should.

There is no war, there is only the illusion of a war for this purpose: Divide and Conquer.

Divide and Conquer.

In the Old Times of Decadency they knew how to do things. They knew how to party, they knew how to manipulate the masses and they knew how to Divide and Conquer.

In Modern Times we still take advantage of the lessons that were to be learned. But not everyone did. We have the Manipulators and Manipulated. They don't seem to be divided. They look as if they are one.

Divide and conquer at work. Divide and conquer in university. Divide and conquer in the family.

Divide and conquer in the streets. Divide and conquer in the states. Divide and conquer in The States.